At JOGi MODS, We strive for a quality service.

We service & repair a wide variety of devices, software, firmware and hardware including, but not limited to, video game consoles, smart phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, macbooks, iMac, android tv boxes etc. Fast turn-around time is offered without rushing jobs for a quick buck. All services are reasonably priced and we use high quality components for repairs. Our services are outsourced by computer stores, cell phone shops, refurbishers and other repair shops. All hardware repairs are backed by warranty.

We are a family owned business that has been in the field since 2002 and operated from our home office in Brampton. We have been first to offer many services including some which are, at times, available in Canada exclusively at JOGi MODS.

Latest Updates

Sep 2024
Dec 2023
Happy Holidays and New Year's Wishes To Everyone!

Dec 2021
2021 Updates
Updated prices/pages for Switch Repairs, PS5 and XBOX Series X & S Services.

Apr 2021
JOGi MODS is operating with Covid-19 safety protocols and social distancing. Customers not allowed inside. Outside pickup and drop off only.
We look forward to a positive future and wish everyone be safe during this dark pandemic.
Jan 2019
New lower prices!
Find lower prices on many services like iPhone X XR XS, 8 plus and OEM screens.
Aug 2017
Samsung & Apple Screen Repair Price Drop!
With the drop in screen costs, prices are now lower for most iPhone and Samsung screens.
Oct 2015
3DS Downgrade Available
For all 3DS models including 2DS.